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Caller Id

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hello since i upgrade to version 6.0.2322 prof vg dialer line licence , i cannot get caller id any more , i use a D41EPCI with 3 analog lines , i think i made 3rings before answears to get id but i get nothing in log




184310,23 1 event callstate OFFERING 1 2,0,0

184310,38 1 script interpretor: VgMulti v6.0.2322

184310,38 1 fired OFFERING event to listeners

184310,39 1 set LineState().hCall = 1 in LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING

184310,41 1 cid CallerID vars set (in 'offering' event) [,,]

184310,42 1 call AnswerTheCallIfAllowed from LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING

184310,42 1 rings=0, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)

184310,44 1 tw ring 1

184310,45 1 ring time since last ring event (sec): 0,00

184310,45 1 rings=1, min rings before answer=0 (iCallerIdHasArrived=0)

184310,47 1 answer as number of rings reached

184310,48 1 rv clear all

184310,50 1 init LineState ResetAtStartOfNewCall.

184310,53 1 start without answering the call

184310,55 1 StartLoadedVgs at 24/03/2006 18:43:10 [VgMulti v6.0.2322]

184310,61 1 set LineState().iVgsIdx=1

184310,63 1 set sScriptToRunOnHangup=[] in StartLoadedVgs

184310,64 1 init StartLoadedVgs_InitLineState start

184310,66 1 rv add [$RV_STARTTIME]{24/03/2006 18:43:10}

184310,77 1 rv add [$RV_DEVICEID]{1}

184310,78 1 rv add [$RV_CIDNAME]{}

184310,80 1 rvns add [PathApp]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\}

184310,81 1 rvns add [scriptsPath]{C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\call recorders\lom\}

184310,83 1 rv add [$RV_CIDNUMBER]{}

184310,88 1 fn RunModule start

184310,89 1 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_RINGS,ET_RON,

184310,91 1 event ScriptEventCode TDX_CST, code=134, state=6001

184311,00 1 timer clear

184311,02 1 timer clear

184311,72 1 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_INBOUND,

184311,73 1 event ScriptEventCode TDX_SETHOOK, code=135, state=6001

184311,75 1 event callstate CONNECTED 1 256,0,0

184311,78 1 LineEvCallState_Connected hDevice=1 params=256,0,0

184311,80 1 WorkingModes tapi= script=BeforeAnswerRun LineState().iState=6001

184311,81 1 Inband detection not enabled

184311,83 1 fn RunModule start

184311,86 1 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,37761,0,0,DE_LCON,,

184311,88 1 event ScriptEventCode TDX_CST, code=134, state=6001

184311,91 1 timer clear



184314,09 1 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_READYTOBEGINTRANSFER, code=9012, state=1901


184314,14 1 path {EV_TIMEOUT_READYTOBEGINTRANSFER} not found

184314,16 1 timeout on transfer attempt set by VG.INI [PBX] AnnouncedTransfersMaxWaitTime (30 sec)


184314,20 1 state [Transfer to Fax Ext] Monitored Dial and Connect to 0603690969

184314,23 0 dial search for free lines in LineID range [0-4]

184314,25 1 dial busy: ReadyToDialout=0

184314,27 2 dial reserving: no list specified

184314,30 1 dial found free dev=2 (LineId=2) in XferDialAndConference

184314,31 1 state [Transfer to Fax Ext] Playing (C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Internet Portal\IpOnHold.wav)

184314,33 1 tw ConvertWav2Vox C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Internet Portal\IpOnHold.wav

184314,36 1 timer clear

184314,42 2 state dialing 0603690969 (for conference with dxxxB1C1)

184314,45 2 lineMakeCall(0603690969,DX_PAMDOPTEN) => 0

184314,47 2 call progress option selected: Voice or Answering Machine is detected. Listen for disconnect tones. (DX_PAMDOPTEN)

184314,50 2 using vg.ini [PBX] DialAndConf_MaxTalkTime_Default=3600

184314,53 1 timer set 3600 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

184314,55 2 timer set 3600 EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP

184314,56 1 tw wav->vox convert end 355031,C:\Program Files\VoiceGuide\Scripts\Internet Portal\IpOnHold.vox,1,0,,

184314,67 1 play start ok, lPlayId=355328

184314,98 2 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

184315,02 2 event ScriptEventCode TDX_SETHOOK, code=135, state=1922

184315,03 2 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_DialingSide : 135,[TDX_SETHOOK],0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

184315,05 1 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_RequestXferSide : [TDX_SETHOOK], 135(EV_UNKNOWN_135),0,0,0,DX_OFFHOOK,CALL_OUTBOUND,

184315,06 1 path {tdx_sethook} not found

184315,23 2 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,38095,0,0,DE_LCON,,

184315,25 2 event ScriptEventCode TDX_CST, code=134, state=1922

184315,28 2 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_DialingSide : 134,[TDX_CST],38095,0,0,DE_LCON,,

184315,30 1 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_RequestXferSide : [TDX_CST], 134(EV_UNKNOWN_134),38095,0,0,DE_LCON,,

184315,31 1 path {tdx_cst} not found

184329,38 2 tw DialogicEvent 133,TDX_CALLP,10,3,0,TDX_CALLP,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD

184329,39 2 event ScriptEventCode VOICE, code=133, state=1922

184329,41 2 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_DialingSide : 133,[VOICE],10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD,

184329,42 1 LsXfer_6_dc_WaitOutcomeOutgoingCall_RequestXferSide : [VOICE], 133(EV_UNKNOWN_133),10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD,

184329,44 1 TwoCalls_Bridge as event indicates CR_CNCT

184329,48 2 conf TwoCalls_Bridge 2<=>1 (dxxxB1C2<=>dxxxB1C1)

184329,50 2 rvns add [TsRoutedTo]{1}

184329,52 1 rvns add [TsRoutedTo]{2}

184329,53 1 rvns add [Conf_DevName_1]{dxxxB1C2}

184329,55 1 rvns add [Conf_LineId_1]{1}

184329,58 1 rv add [Conf_DevName_2]{dxxxB1C1}

184329,59 1 rv add [Conf_LineId_2]{2}

184329,61 2 rvns add [Conf_DevName_1]{dxxxB1C2}

184329,63 2 rvns add [Conf_LineId_1]{1}

184329,64 2 rv add [Conf_DevName_2]{dxxxB1C1}

184329,66 2 rv add [Conf_LineId_2]{2}

184329,67 2 TsRoute dxxxB1C2<=>dxxxB1C1 call

184329,84 2 TsRoute dxxxB1C2<=>dxxxB1C1 SC_FULLDUP:

184329,86 2 state [] bridged with dxxxB1C1

184329,88 1 state [] outgoing leg, bridged with dxxxB1C2

184329,89 1 path {voice} not found

184329,91 2 event ScriptEventCode CONNECT, code=133, state=1911

184329,94 2 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_DialingSide : 133(), [CONNECT], 10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD,

184329,95 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 133(EV_UNKNOWN_133),connect,10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD, (iModuleIdx=1)

184329,97 1 path {connect} not found

184329,98 2 event ScriptEventCode CON_PVD, code=133, state=1911

184330,03 2 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_DialingSide : 133(), [CON_PVD], 10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD,

184330,06 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 133(EV_UNKNOWN_133),con_pvd,10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD, (iModuleIdx=1)

184330,11 1 path {con_pvd} not found

184330,13 2 event ScriptEventCode CR_CNCT, code=133, state=1911

184330,14 2 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_DialingSide : 133(), [CR_CNCT], 10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD,

184330,17 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 133(EV_UNKNOWN_133),cr_cnct,10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD, (iModuleIdx=1)

184330,19 1 path {cr_cnct} not found

184330,20 2 event ScriptEventCode TDX_CALLP, code=133, state=1911

184330,23 2 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_DialingSide : 133(), [TDX_CALLP], 10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD,

184330,25 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 133(EV_UNKNOWN_133),tdx_callp,10,3,0,CR_CNCT,CON_PVD, (iModuleIdx=1)

184330,28 1 path {tdx_callp} not found

184330,81 1 tw PlayEnd 1 355328

184330,83 1 play end id=355328, (current ID)

184330,84 1 event ScriptEventCode EV_PLAY_FINISHED, code=8001, state=1910

184330,86 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 8001(EV_PLAY_FINISHED),EV_PLAY_FINISHED,0,0,0,,, (iModuleIdx=1)

184330,89 1 path {ev_play_finished} not found

184330,91 1 tw DialogicEvent 129,TDX_PLAY,355328,0,0,,,

184330,92 1 event ScriptEventCode TDX_PLAY, code=129, state=1910

184330,94 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 129(EV_UNKNOWN_129),TDX_PLAY,355328,0,0,,, (iModuleIdx=1)

184330,95 1 path {tdx_play} not found

184337,78 1 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_LCOF,,

184337,80 1 event ScriptEventCode DE_LCOF, code=134, state=1910

184337,83 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 134(EV_UNKNOWN_134),DE_LCOF,0,0,0,DE_LCOF,, (iModuleIdx=1)

184337,84 1 path {de_lcof} not found

184337,86 2 tw DialogicEvent 134,TDX_CST,0,0,0,DE_LCOF,,

184337,88 2 event ScriptEventCode DE_LCOF, code=134, state=1911

184337,89 2 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_DialingSide : 134(), [DE_LCOF], 0,0,0,DE_LCOF,,

184337,91 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 134(EV_UNKNOWN_134),de_lcof,0,0,0,DE_LCOF,, (iModuleIdx=1)

184337,92 1 path {de_lcof} not found

184424,39 0 btn Hangup on line 1

184424,41 1 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP, code=9001, state=1910

184424,42 1 LsXfer_8_WaitEndCall_RequestXferSide : 9001(EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP),EV_TIMEOUT_HANGUP,0,0,0,,, (iModuleIdx=1)

184424,44 1 path {ev_timeout_hangup} not found

184424,45 1 rv add [Hangup Time]{24/03/2006 18:44:24}

184424,47 1 state Hanging up call... [Default Handler 60: 9001]

184424,50 1 rvns add [TsRoutedTo]{}

184424,52 2 rvns add [TsRoutedTo]{}

184424,53 1 TsReset dxxxB1C1</>dxxxB1C2 MATCH_ call

184424,69 1 TsReset dxxxB1C1</>dxxxB1C2 MATCH_ => []

184424,70 2 rv add [Hangup Time]{24/03/2006 18:44:24}

184424,72 2 state Hanging up call... [2nd leg (Hangup Call)]

184424,73 2 HangupCall_Common hCall=0

184424,77 2 rec RecSoundStop ok

184424,78 2 play PlaySoundStop ok


184424,81 2 HangupCall : lCallHandle& = 0 - lets close and open line

184424,83 2 state Waiting for a call...

184424,86 2 fnHangupCall end

184424,89 1 HangupCall_Common hCall=1

184424,91 1 rec RecSoundStop ok

184424,92 1 play PlaySoundStop ok


184424,95 1 fnHangupCall end

184424,97 2 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_ONHOOK,,

184424,98 2 event ScriptEventCode TDX_SETHOOK, code=135, state=900

184425,02 2 LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_135

184425,03 2 event callstate IDLE 2 1,0,0

184425,05 2 WorkingMode@Idle=

184425,06 2 timer clear

184425,08 2 LineState(iLineId).iVgsIdx = 0

184425,09 2 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

184425,13 1 tw DialogicEvent 135,TDX_SETHOOK,0,0,0,DX_ONHOOK,,

184425,14 1 event ScriptEventCode TDX_SETHOOK, code=135, state=900

184425,16 1 LsAwaitingCalls EV_UNKNOWN_135

184425,17 1 event callstate IDLE 1 1,0,0

184425,19 1 WorkingMode@Idle=

184425,20 1 timer clear

184425,22 1 rec RecSoundStop ok

184425,30 1 play PlaySoundStop ok

184425,31 1 rv add [CallEndTime]{24/03/2006 18:44:25}

184425,44 1 timer set 1 EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

184426,45 1 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

184426,47 1 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE, code=9008, state=900

184426,48 1 init atidle reinit : start

184426,50 1 init atidle reinit iConferenceOtherLegLid=-1

184426,52 1 init atidle reinit : reset all LineState variables

184426,53 1 timer set 0,3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

184426,56 1 state Waiting for a call...

184426,58 2 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE

184426,59 2 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_TIMETOREINITLINE, code=9008, state=900

184426,61 2 init atidle reinit : start

184426,63 2 init atidle reinit iConferenceOtherLegLid=-1

184426,64 2 init atidle reinit : reset all LineState variables

184426,67 2 timer set 0,3 EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

184426,69 2 state Waiting for a call...

184427,03 1 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

184427,05 1 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT, code=9013, state=900

184427,06 2 timer fired EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT

184427,08 2 event ScriptEventCode EV_TIMEOUT_ATERIDLE_ALLOWOUT, code=9013, state=900

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Caller ID on analog lines arrives between 1st and 2nd 'ring' - so the number of rings must be set to 2 or higher so that caller ID can be received before answering.

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